
Download battle bugs series
Download battle bugs series

download battle bugs series

Lesson 3: “Lightning Bug” (shining your light in a dark world) Lesson 2: “Ants” (working together in unity) Lesson 1: “The Praying Mantis” (the power of prayer) Each segment of the lesson is meant to reinforce the Biblical truth that is presented. Included in these lessons are various tools to help you instruct, as well as entertain the children as they journey through the land of insects and bugs together. But it’s true! That is what this curriculum series is designed to do.teach biblical truth in a creative and wacky way! Remember how many times you went running in the fields to catch lightning bugs or grasshoppers? Many of us never would have thought that BUGS could be used to teach us valuable lessons about the Bible. Kids have a fascination with bugs and insects.

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